Cimarron Operations
Cimarron is the heart of the sub-division. All passenger/mail trains stop here and nearly all freight trains stop here to set out or pick up tonnage. Several trains originate or terminate here and all north traffic onto or off of the Milwaukee road funnel through Cimarron yard. There is a fair amount of industry, the Railway Express Agency and the US Postal Service operate large mail/parcel facilities in Cimarron.
Two switch crews are assigned to Cimarron. The first is assigned to the freight yard and the second the passenger/mail yards and they are referred to as Cimarron 1 and 2. Both crews share in the local switching duties and the interchange runs with the Milwaukee Road and both are responsible for the timely switching of thorough passenger and freight trains. When a Yard Master is not assigned, that duty is assumed by the Second Cimarron Switcher.
The terminal area trackage is under the direct control of Cimarron Tower. The tower operator coordinates train movements for the dispatcher and yard master to best utilize available track and keep trains on schedule. He has direct control of main line turnouts and signals. The terminal area is divided into four interlocking plants. All turnout positions and signal indications as well as track occupancy, are dislayed on the overhead track diagram. The operator has direct contact with the dispatcher, and passes ‘OS’ reports and copies train orders addressed to Cimarron.
1st. Cimarron Switch Crew
2nd. Cimarron Switch Crew
Tower Operator
Yard Master (when assigned)
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