Crew Notices
The following is effective as of January 1, 2015:
Operating Crews have access to the SW Crew Management System, SW Online. Through this system, personnel can bid for jobs, learn assignments, plan for sessions in advance and layoff from future sessions. Please refer to the Crew Information Page.
There are two categories of operating personnel on the Sierra Western: Regular and Extra Board. Placement of operating personnel into these categories is done by the Layout Owner.
- Regular Crew must layoff from a session 14 days prior to that sessionin.
- Depending on the session, the Crew Caller will contact Extra Board personnel as needed. If layoff positions also need to be filled, additional Extra Board personnel will be contacted. Extra Board personnel who sign up for duty, will be given the seniority of of the regular member they are replacing for bidding purposes. Extra Board members will be placed on the roster in the order they replied. All crew must be qualified for the position requested.
- In general, extra personnel who have marked for a session, will be called first for a following session.
E-mail is the preferred contact method between the Crew Caller and operating personnel; telephone and in person is acceptable.
Operating personnel present, but not on the Call Board, may be assigned as needed by the Crew Caller or Asst. Division Super.
Please, guests are welcome, but prior notification to the Layout Owner and the Crew Caller is required.
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Page contents copyright © 2000-2025 by the Sierra Western Railroad.